Thursday, October 14, 2010

Hond In De Goot: Amsterdam Edition

Today's Amsterdam edition Polaroids are dedicated to the other Jessie Cohan (happens to be in Amsterdam right now), my pal, Swedish artist, Pär Strömberg.
Happy October 14th!

Friday, October 8, 2010


In the name of ruling rockers, today's posting is for the one and only Juliette Lewis. 

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Impossible Ukraine

Here are several photos I shot using the Impossible Project's new 600 PX film while I was in Odessa, Ukraine, last month. I've been with these guys since the beginning (Polaniod, Unsaleable, blah, blah...) and I'm still cheering from the sidelines, but shit, it really does suck watching these beautiful memories, fade, brown, crystalize, and otherwise totally deteriorate.

I went through a lot of Polaroid film on this trip, half of which didn't develop anyhow, and with my fingers crossed, had saved the Impossible film for last. Maybe my expectations for experimental chemistry were too high,  but the aftermath kind of makes my heart ache.

My attempts to preserve the film included shooting the film into darkness, sticking them in the fridge to develop and peeling them a part (sacrificing a few along the way). I basically followed the general suggestions, but they still seem to be rapidly making their way to the dark-side, and honestly I cant tell the difference between the shots I babied and those I let fend for themselves.

I finally decided to scan them in today, but only when I realized how rapidly they were leaving me. Ugh.

Anyway, here are the photos:

Thursday, July 29, 2010

I Wish I Was...

San Sebastian, Spain 2006 ish.

Is it terrible to wish you are somewhere else when you are already somewhere great?

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Boys Kissing Boys

A tender, color coordinated moment to share, just to prove that I'm still here....

Sunday, May 30, 2010

2 Months Later

...And here I am in NYC.
I have been nice and busy out here this last month, enjoying the rain and the perfect weather, and the dirty trains and midnight pizza. I even made it out to Coney Island yesterday. My hands probably need to be washed but my heart feels good...
On Wednesday I make the trip back to LA. Where the hell has all this time gone...? I've been here a whole month and it barely feels like I've been here at all.
Remember when those last few minutes of a school day seemed to take FOREVER to go by? What ever happened to that?? I blinked my eye here in NY and Im already back on a plane to LA...
Anyway, my internal compass is totally confused, but looking forward to the future nonetheless. Los Angeles, here I come once again...

Thursday, March 25, 2010

They Say It Still Counts, Even If It's 5 Months Later...

Even though I have about a bazillion Polaroids to sort through, I somehow still manage to totally neglect my all important duties on this here blog. However today I have reached deep into the depths of inspiration, to bring you that which is not my own. At least the inspration is not my own... (The Polaroids still are.)

As a few loyal Viking enthusiasts may know, one of my favorite places, Reykjavik, Iceland, recently wrapped up its first ever Iceland Fashion Festival. Yes- they've had a Fashion Week in the past, but it basically went down in flames. Now someone has put those flames out to rise like a pheonix from the ashes, giving Iceland the fashion festival it deserves. Who might that person be...?! Why noneother then the world famous, all loving, believer of all things awesome, Ingibjörg Finnbogadóttir (IMBA!!)

So today, in the name of Imba, and others with super long hard to say full names, I shall tip my hat to having bad-ass, dream believing friends, that like to make party as much as make stuff happen. For those of you who care, as you should, here's link to Iceland first ever, totally successfull, ultimately righteous, RFF.

And after you visit that, you can revel in my notalgia by looking at these: